Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Michigan (and U.P.) Rock and Roll Legends

Happy new year!

Just a quick word about the website "Michigan Rock and Roll Legends" - - and its 2009 ballot for inductees into its Michigan Rock and Roll Legends Hall of Fame.

There are more than 300 acts on the ballot, and - believe it or not - it includes some U.P. acts, nearly all of whom are listed here in U.P. GROOVES! Check it out, and if you can, VOTE!

(If you'd like more info on the site before logging in to it, Steve Seymour's got a nice entry about it in his Rock'n'Roll Graffiti blog; see "Loose Ends and Closing Credits.")

And I can't resist sharing this - Dr. J, the site's creator, says that before he read this blog, he didn't know what a vital music scene there was in the U.P. We're doing something right!